Chinggis Khaan Bank increased its share capital by MNT 15.0 billion.

Last year Chinggis Khaan Bank set goals to enhance its asset quality, minimize the credit risk exposure and improve the capital adequacy ratio and also increased the share capital of the bank with MNT 10.0 billion reaching MNT 50.0 billion in total.

In accordance with the Order No. А-276, dated on 30th of October, 2017, of the President of the Central Bank of Mongolia, we have agreed on a schedule to increase our share capital amount to MNT 100.0 billion by the end of 2021, and as of 31st of May, 2018, we’ve increased the share capital by MNT 15.0 billion and received the approval from the Central Bank of Mongolia. 

By increasing our share capital, we have implemented the sharecapital task prior to the given schedule set out in accordance with the Asset Quality Review (AQR) report, carried out under the “Extended Fund Facility” government program jointly organized with International Monetary Fund (IMF). 

We are pleased to announce that as of 31st of May, 2018, Chinggis Khaan Bank has proven its stability with capital adequacy ratio of 14.86 (>12%) and liquidity ratio 31.04 (>25%) respectively.

We extend our sincere gratitude to our valued customers, business partners who trust and promote our bilateral cooperation and our bank employees, who are diligently working to efficiently deliver bank services.

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